
About Prenatal Massage

Prenatal massage has risen to prominence over the last decade, along with society’s increasing awareness of personal health and wellness. Today it is considered an integral part of an intelligent approach to pregnancy.

Prenatal massage does not simply make you feel good. It nurtures and pampers the body at a time when it needs it most.

In addition to soothing the body and dissolving stress, a trained touch delivers a wide range of physiological, psychological, and emotional benefits.

Studies have proven that calmness in the mother leads to healthier in-utero development. Regular prenatal massage can help prepare you for labor by making the pelvis more supple.

Just like a regular massage, prenatal massage:

  • improves circulation
  • aids lymphatic flow
  • removes toxins
  • promotes relaxation
  • raises endorphin levels
  • eases neck, back, and joint pain
  • relieves muscle spasms and cramps

What to Expect

All massages are an hour in duration.

Susan employs a combination of styles to relax and soothe the body and treat and ease tensions.

Email or Phone Susan to schedule your prenatal massage today!

LMBT #18911

Schedule Your Prenatal Massage Today!